If you’re like most folks, you want a superb backyard, but don’t really have the time, or possibly the funds to make your dream a reality. However, there are some excellent backyard landscaping design ideas that are not only easy on the wallet, but also double as low maintenance landscaping projects, which makes them easier for you to complete and enjoy.
So, for your enjoyment, here are some landscape design ideas to make your home look and feel as perfect as you already know it is.
Fire Pits.
Building a fire pit is an easy, small backyard landscaping project that can be done in only a couple hours after a quick trip to the hardware store. It’s possible to buy all the things you need–a fire pit, and seating–and simply clear away a small part of the yard to accommodate it, or you can build it with your own hands. If the latter sounds more like the project you wish to undertake, then first you need to find a good spot in the yard. Then, dig out a three feet by three feet hole or so that’s about maybe a foot deep. Next, stack some firebricks around it, and there you have it! You can also construct your own benches and seats for the fire pit, to give it a real rustic feel.
A Lush Little Nap Spot.
Who doesn’t want to take a good read out to the backyard and lay in a hammock, smelling gorgeous flowers? Clear out a corner of your yard and plant some flowers that will survive the weather in your area (rather than exotic, tropical kinds). This backyard landscaping project may take a whole weekend, but after you hang your hammock, you’ll be glad you did it.
Something Truly Low Maintenance.
This backyard landscaping project is best for truly small backyards. If you have a fence, plant some shrubs or bushes around it. Next, lay some brickwork down inside the perimeter of these bushes, leaving a gap in the center. Then, to make sure it’s properly low maintenance, you can lay artificial turf down in the center. The turf might seem like it’s almost defeating the point of having a backyard, but if you want something you won’t have to mow or worry about, it could be your way to go. Of course, you could also choose to plant some lush, straight-growing grass instead, too!
These backyard landscaping projects will definitely boost the comfort of your home, making your backyard everything you could hope for and more. If you have any questions about these backyard landscaping projects, feel free to ask in the comments! Also, if you have other backyard landscaping ideas to suggest, feel free to leave those in the comments as well! Get more here.