In 2011 alone, internet sales were worth more than $200 billion, and internet sales are expected to climb to almost 10% of total retail sales over the next two years. Search engines are one of the most important components of the digital retail marketplace, but they are often neglected by internet businesses. More than 90% of people’s online experiences start with search engines. If you use the internet to market or to sell goods and services, learning how to take advantage of the power of search engines and the way in which they work has the potential to greatly increase your sales.
Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is one way of doing this. Search engines nearly always rely on keywords entered by users to find webpages. The more times the search keyword appears on a webpage, the higher the search engine will rank it in its results, with the highest ranked pages appearing first on the user’s results page. SEO finds the keywords most associated with your business and products and writes text content for your webpage that smoothly incorporates them at a high frequency to boost your search results rank, passively getting you more attention on the internet. SEO reseller programs can bring you professionally made content that accomplishes this. This is important because about 75% of internet users avoid clicking on sponsored links and ads, using organic search engine results like this instead.
In addition to search engines and SEO, social media is a unique marketing venue on the internet that operates in its own specific ways. Nearly all social media marketers track the number of fans and followers that a business attracts on social media to help their clients to learn what works best and to adjust their marketing campaigns accordingly. Often, SEO and social media marketing services can be found under the same roof.