Did you know that in 2012, estimates show that there are more than $12 trillion in commercial real estate in the United States? Commercial real estate is space that is used strictly for business purposes. Currently, many people are considering working with a commercial real estate developer and investing in commercial real estate.
Interestingly, the New York Times stated that in 2013 the commercial real estate industry is still considered to be a buyers market. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities for you to work with a commercial real estate developer.
Right now, medical centers are one of the most popular commercial real estate investments in the United States. You may be able to work with a commercial real estate developer to take advantage of this popularity. There is also a growing number of new medical facilities being built. Again, working with a developer will let you invest in these types of buildings.
As with any real estate transaction, you should do your research. You should begin by consulting with a tax advisor. This professional will be able to go over the benefits of working with commercial real estate developer and owning commercial real estate.
When considering a commercial real estate developer, you should also do some research on that person and his or her past projects. You should see what other commercial projects they have worked on. Talk to past clients about their experiences with the commercial real estate developer. Something that is very important, is to ask about whether a project came in on time and on budget for new buildings.
You will be investing a good amount of money, so you want to make sure that all contracts are in place and verifiable. You may want to consult with a real estate attorney during your negotiations with a commercial real estate developer or commercial real estate development companies. You do not want to sink money into a project that does not look like it will give you a good rate of return on your investment.
You may also want to consider purchasing already built buildings. Again, you should work with a qualified real estate agent or attorney to protect your investment.