Why Buying Motor Oil Cheap is Not Always the Best Option

When should i change my oil

I bet you know the basics of motor oil, and its use in your vehicle. Most people do. But that is also usually the extent of most people’s knowledge regarding motor oil. They try to get their motor oil cheap without worrying much about its quality. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us get motor oil cheap and end up degrading our car’s performance over its lifetime. All because we wanted motor oil cheap.

Let’s start out with some basics before scolding you more for buying motor oil cheap. There are many functions that your motor oil performs, so it is important to choose the best motor oil for you car. Motor oil helps your engine start easily, lubricates engine parts, reduces friction, protects against rust and corrosion, keeps engine parts clean, minimizes combustion chamber deposits, and cools engine parts. And, really that’s just a small sampling of all the things your car’s motor oil does. So you should have a better appreciation for why it is important to find the best motor oil, and not just try to get motor oil cheap.

In addition to appreciating the wide range of functions for which your motor oil is responsible, you should also be aware of the different motor oil types. These are the 5W 30 and 10W 30 numbers that you have probably read in your owner’s manual, or heard your mechanic toss about casually. This is a numerical grading scheme that was established by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and it measures the viscosity of motor oil. The best motor oil for you car is the motor oil that is recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer. So the next time you are wondering “which motor oil should i use?” or “when should I change my oil” head to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for all of the necessary information.

While we are all aware of the unsustainability of oil as an energy source, many people are probably unaware that motor oil is recyclable. Motor oil never wears out, it simply gets dirty, so it is important that it is saved and recycled in order to lengthen its valuable lifespan. In fact, according to the EPA, just two gallons of used oil, when recycled properly, can be used to run the electricity of an average home for 24 hours. Additionally, if you get motor oil cheap and do not handle it properly, it could severely damage the environment. The amount of oil from one typical oil change is enough to ruin 1 million gallons of fresh water.

So think twice the next time you think about getting your motor oil cheap. It may save you money now, but it could severely damage your car over time. In addition, that same motor oil you got cheap could hurt the environment in ways that you cannot even imagine. Be responsible and use the right type of motor oil, and research where to get oil changes, so that you know your oil is being recycled responsibly. More research here.

6 responses to “Why Buying Motor Oil Cheap is Not Always the Best Option”

  1. I love my car and can’t imagine not giving her the right type of motor oil. It’s vital to so many different parts that it really is like the life blood of a car.

  2. I love my car and can’t imagine not giving her the right type of motor oil. It’s vital to so many different parts that it really is like the life blood of a car.

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