Did you know that the first toothbrush was designed by an English prisoner who fashioned his dental hygiene tool from cattle bone and bunched up boar bristles? That is correct. An Englishman named William Addis constructed his tooth brush in 1770, while he was imprisoned for stirring up a riot; and in 1780, he was the first person to mass produce a toothbrush successfully.
Over the last 230-plus years since the first mass produced toothbrush hit the market, there have been so many “new and improved” toothbrush designs that it is almost comical. Additionally, the prevailing public attitude toward the importance of dental health has cultivated a tooth whitening product market that currently amasses an estimated $1.4 billion dollars each year.
Among the many amazing cosmetic dental procedures that cosmetic dentists perform today, all on four dental implants might be the most intriguing. While all on four dental implants are similar to the mini implants dental professionals insert at a 98% success rate, they are still very different. This is because the all on four procedure involves the insertion of four screws that permanently affix two full sets of dental implants into a patient’s mouth.
Essentially all on four dental implants are the equivalent of four dental implants that secure a prosthesis that consists of 12 to 14 teeth. Of course, this can be done on both the lower and upper teeth. While the prospects of enduring four dental implants does not seem too enjoyable, it is certainly a better alternative to receiving 12 to 14 separate dental implants.
If you are tired of looking at your gap-toothed mug every time you look into the mirror, you might consider the possibility of dental cosmetics. Although cosmetic dentistry prices can be considerable, insurance and payment plans can make them manageable for almost anyone. Besides, isn’t living the rest of your life with a great smile worth it? See more.