Many companies may find it necessary to find furnished apartments for rent in which their employees can stay for an extended period of time when conducting long distance training or for contract work. When on these extended, long distance trips, it would be inefficient for an employer to pay for hotel rooms for its employees. This is why many companies are turning to corporate housing in order to find furnished apartments for rent for their employees on extended stays away from home.
What is corporate housing, exactly? Corporate housing companies rent out furnished apartments, condos, or houses to individuals for a temporary amount of time. As mentioned above, corporate housing providers are often utilized by companies when a hotel would be inefficient or too costly. Corporate housing services rotate clients through their furnished apartment units, providing cleaning services between guests’ visits. Furnished corporate housing shares similarities with hotel rooms, but is superior in many respects.
Firstly, given the long amount of time that guests usually occupy corporate housing, it is much more cost efficient to look for furnished apartments for rent than a hotel room. Secondly, furnished corporate housing units often offer amenities beyond those offered by a hotel. Much larger than regular and extended stay hotel rooms, corporate apartments also offer separate living and sleeping areas, full kitchens, and even washers and dryers.
And corporate housing has seen much success with companies looking for furnished apartments for rent. Over the past twenty years, the corporate housing industry has seen significant growth. Much of the reason for this corporate housing boom is that companies are looking to diversify on an international basis, and need furnished apartments for rent for their employees.
When your company needs to send its employees on a long distance trip for training, contract work, or some other reason, consider looking for furnished apartments for rent and taking advantage of corporate housing. You will save your company money compared to choosing a hotel room, and your employees staying in furnished rentals will be much happier than if they had to squeeze into a cramped hotel room. Learn more at this link.